BLOG: Lime Rock Park Celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week (Part 1)
It’s National Volunteer Appreciation Week and we would like to recognize some of the unsung heroes at Lime Rock Park, The Righthanders Club!
If you’ve ever been to the track, you’ve probably had an interaction with one of our Righthanders; they are easy to spot in their burgundy shirts and bright smiles. In fact, more than 50 Righthanders volunteer at Lime Rock for every major racing event!
Righthanders are critical to the success of race weekends and instrumental in delivering an exceptional fan experience.
This week, we want to introduce you to some of our Righthanders; be sure to stop & say hi when you see them around!
Joseph Krajeski: 2013 Mark Minor Cup Outstanding Righthander of the Year Winner

I have been with the club for about 14 years. I’m too old to remember accurately.
You can always find me in the Info Tent. I’m the team lead there and starting this year I’m also the Co-Sergeant at Arms with Pat Ryan. Scheduling the team members for each event and a member of the Board of Directors are also my duties. I created and maintain the private Righthanders’ website used for signing up for work shifts.
I enjoy the camaraderie of the club. The whole team pulls together. The sport really gets into your blood. I know I’m somewhere special when the engines start to rev in the morning.
I have so many great memories of Lime Rock it is indeed quite difficult to choose just a few or just one. Meeting Skip Barber at Righthanders meetings and getting the low-down on what’s new at the track has always been a pleasure.
Judy Szablank

I’m always at the info tent, and love helping the race fans and making our visitors smile.
I have so many favorite memories- it’s hard to pick one, so here’s a few
Meeting and having a wonderful conversation with Sir Stirling Moss and Lady Susie. I’m a real estate agent, and a client of mine lived in their home!!! (not at the same time)
Also the time I drove up in my new Maserati and my fellow righthanders greeted me with, ” hey! Nice Buick ya got there. Too bad the muffler is shot!”
I also like showing countless race fans around who were first time guests, and seeing them so happy. Or finding someone’s car keys after they came to us in distress because they lost them. One of the top was getting our emergency services to an older lady who had a heat stroke, and it saved her life.
I like being a Righthander because of my fellow Righthanders! The camaraderie, the shenanigans and our genuine friendship, is unmatched.
Roger Busha, 2022 Volunteer of the Year

I’ve been a Righthander for 14 years.
For the past 5 years or so I’ve been Sgt. at Arms located in the Info Tent. This year I’ve decided to give up this position and become a “regular” Righthander. Sadly this will be my final year. Over the fall and winter I’ve had full knee replacements of both knees and I don’t think I’ll be able to physically handle my previous position. I hope to continue my duties as a Righthander from the cockpit of the Courtesy Shuttles in the future.
I like being a Righthander as I get to meet a lot of different people. From race fans who’ve never been to the track before to drivers and crew members to Lime Rock staff. It’s been a positive experience.
Phillip Immohr- Righthanders Vice President

This will be my 14th year as a Righthander.
I am currently Vice President of the club . As such I do a little bit of everything including bannering, hot laps, carting, and whatever else needs covering. I enjoy working with other club members who enjoy racing as much as I do and also meeting the drivers. My favorite memories involve working autograph sessions with Sterling Moss and Peter Brock, two of my racing heroes.
Thank you to all of the Righthanders who submitted their stories. We will continue to feature more of our Righthanders throughout this week for National Volunteer Appreciation Week.
For more information on how to become a Righthander, visit: