Test & Tune Days
During test & tune days, licensed racing drivers with certain classes of racecar can take full advantage of Lime Rock Park’s road circuit.

- Gates open at 8:00 a.m.; track opens at 1:00 p.m. & runs until at least 5:00 p.m.
- Officials will divide cars into groups of similar configurations and speeds. The goal is to give every team and driver as much track time as possible
- There is no maximum dB level for Test & Tune Days
- For details on cars, drivers, paddocks, fuel, rules and regulations, please see details below; contact the Lime Rock Park Track Office at (860) 435-5000 to verify eligibility or if you have any other questions
- Only race cars that meet the current safety regulations of the sanctioning body under which it competes or tests are admitted
- Drivers must present proof of a current racing competition license (such as but not limited to SCCA, IMSA, VSCCA, SVRA, Vintage National License, RCCA, Pro-Rally, NASCAR, IndyCar, FIA, EMRA, CASC, Endurance Racing)
- Recent graduates (past 12 months) of an accredited two or three day (or more) racing school are also given eligibility consideration
- Race car compliance will be judged based on current SCCA General Competition Rules. All participating cars must be equipped with:
- quality tires in good shape
- brakes in perfect working order
- body parts fastened securely
- exhaust systems in good shape
- suspension and steering in good shape
- adequate rear-view mirrors
- functioning brake lights (except open-wheel cars)
- seats securely mounted with seat belts and shoulder harnesses conforming to specifications including arm restraints for open cars
- roll bars and roll cages to specification; helmet must be 2 inches below top of roll bar
- on-board fire bottles and/or fire systems
- master cut-off switch
- batteries secured properly
- fuel cells in all cars (except Showroom Stock and Vintage).
- wooden steering wheels are permitted in approved vintage cars
Additional Requirements
Mandatory Driver & Car Safety Equipment:
- A driving suit of fire-resistant material that covers the entire body (neck to ankles and wrists), worn with fire-resistant socks, underwear and leather shoes. Multi-layer (“three-plus”) suits may be worn without underwear
- A crash helmet with a minimum Snell SA-2005 rating sticker. M-rated helmets are not acceptable. Helmets must be labeled on the back with the following information: Driver’s full name, date of birth, blood type and allergies to medication
- Drivers with beards/mustaches must wear face shields of fire resistant material. Balaclavas are highly recommended. Hair protruding from a driver’s helmet must be completely covered by fire resistant material
- Drivers of open-cockpit cars must wear full-face helmets with visors made of impact resistant material
- Cars must be equipped and drivers must properly wear competition-approved safety harnesses, seat
belts and shoulder harnesses meeting current SCCA or FIA standards
Flags, Hand Signals and On-Track Demeanor:
- All Test & Tune drivers must understand all flags and hand signals.
- Absolute compliance with any flag displayed at any corner is required.
- Drivers who fail to observe the flag signals will be expelled from the event with no refunds.
- Please consult Lime Rock Park staff regarding any safety communication or procedure.
- Drivers who experience off-course excursions are required to hand-signal the closest corner worker indicating there are no apparent injuries.
- Any driver engaging in unsportsmanlike behavior will be expelled with no refunds
Entering and Exiting the Pits:
- All cars must enter and exit Pit Lane in a safe and controlled manner. The Pit Lane speed limit is 30 miles per hour from Pit-In to Pit-Out. No heavy acceleration in Pit Lane is allowed.
Manned Corner Stations:
- EMTs and ambulances are stationed at Pit Out
- Corner workers flag from the following stations: Station #1 (Big Bend), Station #3 (beginning of Lefthander), Station #4 (driver’s left at Righthander), Uphill Station (top of Uphill), Bridge Station (under bridge at top of Downhill) and Start/Finish
- Please attempt to get disabled cars to a designated safe zone (marked by tall cones), where you may exit the car if you wish while waiting for assistance. If you cannot get to a designated safe zone, remain with the car.
Support Crews:
- Support crews are responsible for their own safety
- Paddock speed limit is 5 miles per hour for all vehicles.
- “A” Paddock traffic is strictly ONE-WAY counter-clockwise; violators will be noted. Please pay attention to traffic in the paddocks and pits at all times. No person under 18 years of age is permitted in the pits or at corners at any time. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the pits or paddocks until fifteen (15) minutes after conclusion of the day